Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: "We Stopped" ... in retrospect

The Year of
(get it how you live)
our Lord
Two Thousand
(edgy fools)
and Twelve
(cavorting and cackling)
We Stopped.

Should auld acquaintence be
(white girl wasted)
(your turn of phrase)
and never
(wake up alone)
brought to mind

We'll take a cup
(destruction or celebration)
o' kindness yet
(graduation publication)
for auld lang syne
(something about the real world)

2012 was.... an interesting year? Things happened. Things didn't happen. There were portents and omens and auspices all over the place but I never could read them so I'm not sure if any followed through. Never again did I feel the peace and control portended at the beginning of the year; mostly the opposite in fact--a mania, restlessness. Never did figure it all out, still working on it.

This year: I forgot a lot. I ignored quite a bit. I learned a few important things. I forgot a couple of those. It was at least, a different year. The past few tended to blend together, and it was only recently I realized I was breaking the pattern, or starting a new one perhaps.  Disappointingly, I missed out on Improbable Satan's party I've had a standing invitation to for a good four years now...but maybe better for that. Some mysteries should stay that way;  some stories are best fossilized.

But me, I'm still a-changin'. With the times or against them.

Attn 2013: Ready or not, here I come.

Or something along those line.


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