Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Though I had my doubts, but I know it now

So, with much shamefacedness, I must slink back without a substantive update... but in my defense, immediately after I posted last, the internet in my house died and has yet to be resurrected. This of course does not necessarily prevent me from going to some place like, say a coffee shop to participate in the World Wide Web, but my time management skills, as one might easily notice, are less than stellar. Plus the temptation to continuously consume $5 lattes for the duration of my stay would inevitably prove to be overwhelming. Anyway, the lack of internet has more or less kept me away from my laptop completely, so the promised last round of pictures hasn't even been sorted through yet. (On the plus side, my house is pretty damn clean and I've read probably a dozen books in the past month... gotta find something to do to procrastinate)

However, as expected, my schedule is gradually working itself out and firming up... now all I have to do is find four-plus extra hours a week or so to do the stuff I want to do.

I really need to take less naps.

Anyway, for a window into my life, my TO-DO list for this evening (post-3:30 PM):
-go to bank
-buy running/work-out shoes (current pair has literally been worn through, possibly on all sides)
-translate Psalms 5 & 6 from Old English to Today English
-make tasty breakfast hashbrown mini-casseroles (we'll see how this goes...)
-visit cousin-friend (and get a blender!)
-write a verse of poetry

If I can get 3+ of these things done, I am doing pretty well. Aim high, right?

OH, almost forgot to mention that I saw Bright Eyes in concert last night. Amazing. I have seen Conor Oberst before, touring on his solo stuff (also fantastic), but this was Bright Eyes itself, reaching al the way back to Fevers and Mirrors, aka into the most formative years of my life. Still incredibly moving for me. Incredibly glad for the chance to see them (though no touching of Conor Oberst this time...damn), as this might be the last time they tour as a band. I just wished indie kids danced more... people in that crowd (the amount of black plastic-framed glasses, my god) clearly felt very strongly about Conor/Bright Eyes, but the most they did was bob their heads and shuffle their feet, maybe throw up a hand once in a while. Oh well. Conor Oberst had enough energy for all of them, twirling like a madman and vigorously chucking "his iPhone" to the ground and stomping it into oblivion. The exhaustion I'm feeling today after getting in post-2AM and waking up at 7is absolutely worth it, and will be every time.