Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ring Out, Ring In

So this is the new year?

Well, I don't feel any different.

Yes, using song lyrics to express sentiment on blogs/online journals/whatever might be slightly overdone, but, hey, it's true. And completely unsurprising, given (a) the nature of 2010 and (b) it's true every damn year. First of all, let me address (b): It's true for pretty much everybody-- you can throw exactly the right party, kiss the perfect person, wear the perfect dress, play the perfect song, but if you're expecting a magical tabula rasaness to descend upon you at the stroke of midnight, I'm afraid you will be sorely disappointed. Then again, I suppose it's all a matter of psychology, and you may well get washed away by your wave of optimistic ecstasy. Please also note that one night does not a year meake, no matter how auspicious or inauspicious it is as a beginning.

Now, (a): 2010 was not a year of dramatic changes, of breathtaking wonders (excepting Boulder), of either resolutions or revolutions. Some things happened, I suppose (as things tend to do), but it was only the grumblings of the Earth creeping along in its course. Mostly it was a year of...let's say furthuring. Growing and expanding what is already there, gaining a firmer hold on life, developing and rounding out myself and my life. Slow, boring stuff like that. I don't expect 2011 to be much different, but maybe the slop of progress could be a bit steeper?

New Year's Resolution, 2011: Make my life more beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. "but if you're expecting a magical tabula rasaness to descend upon you at the stroke of midnight, I'm afraid you will be sorely disappointed"

    This is why I don't bother making some big deal out of NYE. Life is what you make it.

    And I love that song :)
