Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Reoccurring Character of the Post-Nasal Drip

So last night I was working on this post about boundaries. How godforsaken important they are and how tangled up I am with their features/non-features and relativity and all of these other anxiety-inducing traits. It's either a lead in to or a lead out from my other anxiousness about space and spatial issues and relations &c.

Anyway when I was I "was working" on this I mean I was sitting in a bar scribbling in my notebook (with ensuing violent underlining and arrow-drawing) while other drinkinghumans glanced askance at me. And I also mean "am still working" because these boundary things/concepts are excruciatingly important to me right now and I would desperately like to string some coherent thoughts together about them. BUT! Two things keeping me from finishing & posting that and instead hedging with this:

 1) I really feel like I should finish Anne Carson's Eros the Bittersweet because the things she has to say about boundaries and self and others and the intimidation of all that is damn fantastic and deadly relevant. Would hate to go off too half-cocked. (Can one be too half of something? Probably)
2) I woke up this morning with some great post-nasal drip a sure sign I am about to develop some vague and debilitating seasonal sickness. Since it's my day off, I went ahead and let my body acknowledge that I was going to be sick. As soon as I did so, it shut down all non-essential functions, including motivation towards productivity, conducting myself in polite society, and developing theories of interpersonal relation.

So soup, juice and Netflix binge it is tonight. Much needed, anyway. Oh, and tea. Have tea as well.

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