Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ubi est Roma?

Leaving for Italy in less than two weeks, and I am excited but definitely not ready. I still have a giant list of things to attend to and buy, and for some reason my mind cannot wrap itself around the concept of five weeks--"How long is that? Wait, how much stuff do I need for that? That's kind of longish time?"

Not to mention that my grasp on Italian has weakened substantially. I swore up and down that (having finished my language sequence in the Fall) I would keep up with it this semester, watch Fellini movies, read Italian news sites, etc. Surprise--didn't happen. So now I'm struggling to remember how to form the past tense and ask where the bathroom is. (Ok, bit of an exaggeration there, but I really couldn't remember how to say "bathroom").

I've managed to stage off the inevitable freak-out so far, but oh, it's looming. I hate travel. I mean, I love being in other places, especially Italy, but I can't stand actually getting there; it brings out my neuroses like nothing else. Maybe I'll take up meditation real quick?

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