Monday, August 31, 2009

This is testing my will power already

So, last Monday (the 24th) marked a double-beginning, as it were. A new year of my life (age-wise and such) and a new year of school. Neither got off to a particularly fortuitous start, but everything seems to be shaping up. Hurrah!

Now, since I've heard that "real" people have these things called "goals," and since it's an intriguing concept, I've decided to try it out.

Things To (Maybe Possibly Hopefully?) Do This Semester:

-Write (and finish) at least 2 short stories

-Read On the Road

-Socialize more, dammit! I have friends that live within walking distance from me--why do I not see them more than once a year? My hermit complex needs to be scaled back...lots.

-On that note, make some new friends. Nothing too drastic, just one or two would be fine.

-Failing that, at least get out more.

-Save up as much money as possible. Well, as much as I can without too much inconvenience.

-Win at NaNoWriMo!

-Exercise at least once a week. You know, or so.

-Start eating (and actually enjoying) once new kind of vegetable.

Now, I'd say that's a respectable list of potential undertakings.We'll just see how all this business pans out.

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