Thursday, June 14, 2012

Have been a bit lax on updating; it's not that I don't have things I'd like to write about (I have about half a dozen post topics drafted, actually. Because I always follow through with drafts/outlines), it's just that I've been really busy having a pretty damn good past week.

Job: Great. I have been accepted as competent and not a dunderhead. After a feeble first couple of shifts, had a nicely profitable weekend. Yay! I can eat again!

Friends: Got to see some of these, spontaneously and planned-like. I do enjoy good people.

Writing: Haven't been doing as much of this, but have been doing notes & foundation work for a couple of bigger projects I'm salivating over.

So until a more substantial post comes along here, I just wanted to share my new favorite Tumblr ever: #whatshouldwecallpoets. I'm not even 100% on exactly how this Tumblr thing in general works or trends or reblogs or whatever (It's kind of a thing even critical literary people are talking about? I dunno, a big deal or something) but I do know I love these .gifs more than Internetslife itself.

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