I find it amusing and a little sad how Louisianians are completely unable to function once the thermometer drops below about, say, sixty degrees. That's when the "It's/I'm too cold!" sets in. People wear oversized jackets and sprint to their cars, shivering uncontrollably. (I admit I am a victim of the same phenomenon, but I try not to show it as much lest God bring back the hellheat to spite me.) Then when it gets to this point, about 35 and windy during the day, people literally walk around literally unable to say or think anything but "Cold. Cold. Cold."
Probably 80-90% of my conversations (as well as the ones I overheard) today went like this, pretty much verbatim:
1:"Jesus, it's cold."
2:"Yeah, it's freakin' cold!"
1:"No I mean like it's really cold."
LSU had to send out an email last night basically boiling down to "It's cold, but we're not cancelling classes." They sent out another one tonight saying, "Nevermind, it's way too cold. We're totally cancelling classes." Which means I get an actual day off tomorrow. Yay! Whew, I was tired of pretending I had outfits equipped to deal with this weather.
Don't get me wrong. I like the cold. For me, today way actually a lovely day in its own special, wintry way. I am of the opinion, you see, that winter is actually supposed to be cold. I am much more horrified by the days of summer when the sweat would boil off my skin if it could, but the air is already at 105% humidity (Which is hypocritical, I suppose summer is supposed to be hot as well but it really just gets gross.) Anyway, yay chilly weather, but since we only get about five days of that a year, I am woefully unprepared to dress for it and shiver my way through days like today in stacks of light sweaters.
Anyway, even though our "snow day" will be pitifully lacking in snow, I'm planning to enjoy it. Stay safe, everyone. Down here we barely know how to drive in the best of circumstances.
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