Louisiana State University has Always Been There, hanging over my head throughout the course of my life. A large percentage of the population of Baton Rouge will bleed purple and gold if given the least opportunity, and such rabid fanaticism did not endear me to the institution. I swore up and down that come time for college, I was getting as far away from LSU (and the entire city and state) as opportunity would take me.
Turns out, that wasn't very far.
So yes, I ended up at LSU. But being stuck here... well, I haven't found it nearly as disagreeable as I thought I would. In fact, I've ended up with my optimal lifestyle (at this point, at least). I share an incredibly convenient and rather charming apartment with my wonderful boyfriend; my social circle consists almost entirely of super-awesome people; they pay me to go to school, for chrissakes. And though I've lived near it all my life, it's just in the past year that I've been able to look past the miasma of football and "GEAUX TIGERS" and see the place for itself.
The point I'm meandering around to is that I recently "bought" (in exchange for paying the electricity bill) a very nice camera off my boyfriend, and I've taken it with my on a couple of walks around campus and surroundi
<-The stairwell of my apartment building. A combination of creepy and charming!
Interesting and slightly shady everyday things.
Some shots of the clocktower. Who doesn't like a good, old-fashioned phallic symbol?
Around campus, etc.
State Street, where the magic begins.
nice! On State Street, some of those houses and places seemed eerily familiar, like I've been inside them but only while drunk. Maybe that is the essence of the mystery of State Street--when you do find out what's in there, you can't remember.