Ladies and gents, I am not here to bring you the Truth. There’s trade in that for those who want it, but as for myself I find it alternately unbearably boring or repulsive. Sometimes a combination of both, I suppose. No, instead I bring you bemused musings of someone whose muse is perpetually on a coffee break. As for who I am… well, they say that only anonymity bears honesty. Not that, as a writer of fictions and exaggerated anecdotes, I have any obligation to honesty5. But regardless, I’ll forego painting a direct picture of my identity here, as it’s a pointless thing. Chances are, if you’re here you know who I am anyway. If you don’t, you’ll probably get the gist of me through my writings eventually.
So into the vast void of the Interweb I’ll spew my thoughts. Hopefully someone will be there to clean up after me.
Anonymity protects only the mute.