Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful Time!

I guess it's about time to be thankful for things.

I am thankful that the weather today was unbelievably beautiful, and that I was forced to spend a good prat of the day outside on a well-decorated patio.

I am thankful to have a Cajun family that sends large amounts of tasty leftovers home with me. Always.

I am thankful that I do not have children.

I am thankful to have left my serving job that was becoming a huge drain on my soul. That is, I am thankful to have the resources to be able to do this sort of thing and continue my education while maintaining my current standard of living.

With that being said, I am thankful that I also have a potential copy-editing type job on the horizon.

I am thankful that there are only a couple of weeks left in the semester, and I am (almost, pretty much) caught up with all my work.

Also thankful I only have one semester left after this.

I am thankful that my loving, handsome, wonderful boyfriend is home for the week, and that when I fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning, he is there next to me--as things should be.

And of course, I am so thankful to have friends and family who not only love me, but who take genuine interest in my well-being and who are generally awesome, fun-to-be-around, intelligent, caring people!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

More Pros than Cons, really

Up before noon on a day I don't have to be, so yay... but this required my sleeping through most of yesterday evening. What is wrong with me? Surely people should be able to get by without 14 hours of sleep, even on their day off?

Went to the coffee shop, and the woman behind me enthused wondrously about my hair for a few minutes. "Freaking awesome," she says. And me not having showered in two days and not a brush to my name at the moment. So either an esteem boost on my part or a poor judgement call on hers. Possibly both. A nice moment anyway.

In other, geekier personal news, I really really really want to play Skyrim.

Unfortunately, my desktop computer (past its prime but still theoretically able to run Skyrim) is down for the count-- either the video card is fried (boo) or the motherboard (double boo!). It's been out for a while, and I was going to wait until the winter break to get it fixed, so I didn't have a high-resolution, totally immersive monkey on my back for the last few weeks of the semester. But now everyone is gabbling constantly about it and I am practically vomiting with envy. Want. Okay, /geekout.

Time to go try to be productive in the few hours I actually have before work (only three shifts left--so excited!) And to go shower, no matter what that lady said about my hair.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Home is where the... what, exactly?

So I've been spending this week at my mother's house. They say you can never go back home, but if your mom lives in town, you can sure as hell go to her house for a home-cooked meal and some TLC. It's actually a pretty inconvenient place to stay, considering it's about half an hour farther away from campus and my job than my actual residence is. (But that's a big reason why I don't actually live here.) However, there is always coffee made for me in the morning, breakfast usually, and tasty dinner-- which is way more than I can say for my place right now. I guess living solely on my own for the first time is really getting to me-- not to mention severe senioritis and  the onset of, if not an existential crisis exactly, then at least severe life apathy. The semblance of family life, even the most hectic and dysfunctional, kind of brings me back into things, I guess.  Even if this house has never really been home for me, it has been a sanctuary in times of crises (over-dramatic term, that... I really mean loneliness.) So I'm thankful for that.